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What is your refund policy?

If you were just charged within the last 1 day for your next week of RipplePop, but you forgot to cancel before the charge. We are happy to refund you.

If you are leaving us during your initial 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee period of your first plan with us, we'll happily refund you.

If we had extended downtime (developer sick or absent without a replacement), we'll issue a partial refund or move forward your next billing date to accommodate for the downtime.

During your first 7 days (7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee) on your first plan with us:

  1. Want to try a different Developer? No problem! We can swap a new Developer in who might be a better fit for you.
  2. Rather walk away? We will refund you every penny if we are not a good fit. Simple as that.

After your first 7 days:

  1. We can always try a new or different Developer at any time during your plan. Want to swap a new one in? No problem! Just let us know and we can take care of it.
  2. If you have used your Developer more than the intial 7-day period, we will no longer offer a refund. At this point into the relationship, we hope that you already know if your Developer is going to be a great fit or not.

We do not give refunds for the following:

  1. If you brought us on to help you with a project or work with a deadline, and the work was not completed by the deadline, and you are outside of your 7-day Satisfaction Gaurantee, we will not honor a refund.
  2. If we credit your account with free days of work, by pushing back your billing date, we will not honor a refund for the original charge.
  3. If you purchased a Black Friday / Cyber Monday discounted plan.